Fission and Istio Integration
Tutorial for how to integrate Fission with Istio

Fission is a framework for serverless functions on Kubernetes. Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservice announced by Google, IBM and Lyft. It makes sense to combine them together to provide user more powerful functionalities.
Since this is the very first step for fission to integrate with Istio, there are still couple problems need to be solved. For those interested in trying to integrate fission with istio, following is the set up tutorial.
Test Environment
- Google Kubernetes Engine: 1.9.2-gke.1 cluster
- Fission: 0.6.0
- Istio: 0.6.0
Create Kubernetes v1.9+ Alpha Cluster
Available zone can be found here
$ export ZONE=<zone name>
$ gcloud container clusters create istio-demo-1 \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
--num-nodes=1 \
--no-enable-legacy-authorization \
--zone=$ZONE \